to Kodak Canada (where Kolorkins originated), 750,000 Kolorkins
were distributed in Canada Alone. 20,000,000
Kolorkins were distributed by Kodak worldwide!
were spread across earth during the late 1980's, through the
1990's into the new millennium. They continue to this day
tomigrate from person to person.
were presented as rewards for collecting token, or simply
loyalty for using Kodak Products. Promotional material and
merchandise also featured these brightly coloured creatures.
in Canada. The first wave of Kolorkins were arriving
at the new homes, from Kodak. The Kolorkins were of
Klakki, Kazoom,
Kosmic and Kwikki.
All the Canadian Kolorkins names begin with K. These
first release had the colours of Golden Yellow, Green,
Red and Blue. |

saw Kodak releasing Kolorkins for the first time in
both the UK and America. Along with the series's were
other merchandise such as Badge Pins. In the UK, Large
Kolorkins also toured the Uk, Joining carnival processions. |
the UK and USA series featured Kolorkins by the names
of Flash, Snap,
and Zoom.
These were in the same colour range
as the Canadian first release. (with
exception of the UK Click who was a royal blue rather
than a sky blue) |
the same year of 1989, a second wave
of Kolorkins were available to adopt in Canada. This
featured Kizmo, Kitzi
& Kaboo.
These were Royal Blue (like the UK
Click), vibrant pink and pale yellow.

a further ranger of kolorkins launched into America.
Like the second range in Canada, this was also of
3 Kolorkins this time called Rewind,
Shutter and Focus.
These were in the familiar second
series colours as the Canadian release. |

A mini series was release in Canada, as part of Kodak
Canada's centennial celebrations. The mini Kolorkins
were called Zoom, Didgit,
Max, Check
and Click, in the colours
Green, Blue, Yellow, Black and Red. Check was only
available once the others had been collected. |
screen saver for the PC, featuring these miniature
Kolorkins was also released in 1999 to
help celebrate 100 years of Kodak in Canada.
(Available from the downloads sections
of this site) |

2000 Kodak released a special second series
of mini kolorkins, as part of their sponsorship of
the winter olympic teams, the US Ski Team & the
US Snowboard Team. Flash Shreadder and Star featured
the teams logos on their t-shirts. They came in the
colours of White, Black
and Pink.

are further kolorkin series to have been released. A third
series in Canada featured a orange, purple and pink Kolorkin,
Mini finger puppet Kolorkids in USA and Canada. Other Mini
'Kolorkids' in Japan, Newzeland and Australia. Apparently
another large series in German and Spain, amongst other
country's. Further releases included an Olympic series of
5 further large kolorkins and an additional Mini Sport series
(origin unknown) in addition to plastic figures.
of these are to follow soon on this web site. Should anybody
have further information please feel free to contact this